Category: Uncategorized

  • Scouts NZ appoints Kelburn leader Josh Tabor as its new Chief Executive

    From Scouts New Zealand: SCOUTS NEW Zealand announces new Chief Executive SCOUTS New Zealand is delighted to announce the appointment of Joshua (Josh) Tabor as the association’s new Chief Executive. Josh joins SCOUTS New Zealand as Chief Executive on Monday 19 June. Stuart Francis, SCOUTS New Zealand National Chair said Josh’s understanding of complex organisations,…

  • Jamboree on the Trail

    2017 Jamboree on the Trail Six scouts braved a brisk southerly to complete the City to Sea trail from Central Park in Brooklyn to Island Bay.  The scouts did a great job and took the whole event in stride. We pushed off at 1:30pm and finished (by Isaac’s watch) at 4:42pm. Total distance covered was…

  • Environmental Service Project 

    Thanks to awesome parent help, we spent the morning helping Zealandia  clean the picnic benches. We got a Tour of the sanctuary and got to see some rare wildlife.

  • ANZAC Day preparation 

    To celebrate ANZAC day we are spending a night in the Lawson Scout Hall before heading down to the dawn ceremony.  We had the kids iron their shirts and scarves, they even shined their shoes (see below). We did a bit of marching practice to help them get ready for the dawn parade. We took…

  • Overnight on Matiu/Somes Island

    The senior scouts are planning the explorers challenge and senior tramp this weekend. Watching the sun set and getting ready to chase tuatara.