Welcome to the 2017 Scouting year.
Scouts will be starting on Monday 13, February 2017. As a reminder, our Standard meeting time is 6:30pm at the Kelburn Scout Hall.
We are trying to make better use of the Online Scout Manager tool.
As a reminder, the Silver Scout shirt with black shorts is our nightly uniform. For term 1, scouts may either wear the Kelburn scarf or the scarf from their NZ21 jamboree troop. For those that went to Jamboree, the NZ21 Jamboree badge may be worn on the left sleeve of the shirt under the 1st Kelburn Badge.
The start of the year is a great time to get your scouts to wash and iron their uniform.
Fees for the 1st Kelburn 1909 Scout Group are $55 per term. We invoice the second week of the term. The fee covers most nightly costs and excludes extra costs like camps or out of hall activities. (Camps and out of hall activities are billed on participant basis.) For your reference, the group bank account number is 01-0527-0103858-00.
A word on value for money: The 1st Kelburn 1909 Scout group works hard to keep its fees low. With a $55 per term fee, it is easy to loose sight of the value youth get from scouting. At a minimum for the scout section, we provide about 2 hours of child care for 10 nights per term. That time is roughly equivalent to 20 hours of baby sitting. At $10 per hour, the equivalent child care cost would roughly be $200. And that doesn’t consider the fact that scouts get to play with fire!
Parent involvement:
As a reminder, 1st Kelburn 1909 Scout group is an all volunteer organisation. We expect parents to contribute either time, talent, or treasure to help the group function. As noted above, we run a lean program to ensure that scouting is accessible to everyone. They ways you can help make the group even better include:
- donating time to fundraise or to help with hall maintenance,
- if you have a particular talent (e.g. design, trade, finance, or fund raising / grant writing) let a leader know. We are always looking for skills to help move the group forward.
- if neither of the above are of interest, a donation to the group above the term fee amount would be much appreciated. That donation will help pay for leader training, subsiding fees for disadvantage youth, hall maintenance, and new equipment.
We look forward to seeing your scouts on Monday, 13 of February.
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